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Public UFO and paranormal discussion evening, 13th August 2005

EIE003 - Public UFO and paranormal discussion evening, 13th August 2005

The Eerie team hosted another of our public paranormal discussion evenings on 13th August 2005, the venue was the "MS Action centre" in Walthamstow, E17.

For this particular evening, we concentrated primarily on the area of UFOlogy, UFO sightings, and alien abduction scenarios. We were joined by special guests Roy Lake, a 50-year veteran of the UFO investigation area, and Chris Martin, author of a highly successful series of UFO books and DVD documentaries.

The evening was a great success, with over 90 attendees travelling from across London and the South-East. Roy spent 90 minutes giving the audience a highly interesting talk on his 50 years of UFO experiences and showed slides of the many interesting evidential pictures which he has either taken himself or been sent by contacts and interviewees.

After a break, Karen from Eerie Investigations opened the floor for questions from the audience on UFOlogy and on the paranormal in general. This included questions and discussions on UFOs, crop circles, time-slips, spirit presences, and many other subjects.

Karen and Roy at the
August 2005 Eerie night
Karen and Roy at the August 2005 Eerie night