Home Eerie Investigations

The haunting of number 13

EII009 - The haunting of number 13

The Eerie team were invited to a house in the Croydon area, to help investigate a spirit presence that was driving the residents to beyond the edge of their patience.

The family had for many months been experiencing; objects disappearing for long periods of time, noises of heavy objects being dragged around the upstairs floor - even though no-one was upstairs at the time, whispering sounds which were heard by friends and family as well as themselves, chill drafts in the middle of summer days, and many other phenomena. They had even caught unusual and unexplainable shadow and light anomolies on their cellphones. However the most interesting events were centered around their young daughter, who frequently had conversations and visitations from a spirit which she called "Billy".

"Billy" would appear to her as a little boy, who would then goad her into swearing and performing all sorts of bad behaviour, he claimed that he would spit and scream at her. What seperated her story from the usual 'phantom friend' that children often invent, was that she also bore physical marks after "Billy's" visitations - for example scratches, and chunks of hair would be found around the house at times when she claimed "Billy" had pulled her hair. To coincide with this, the other members of the family also experienced mysterious and unexplainable bruises and scratches whenever "Billy" was active.

Five of the team arrived and as usual set up our equipment and performed base-line EMF, VLF, and temperature readings. We then interviewed the family and child, before settling in for a vigil in the child's room.

During the vigil session, some members of the team experienced cold draughts which were verified with our temperature probes - there often being a sudden 2-3 degree drop in temperature for no reason.

No majorly significant events happened during the vigil, however we did take "dark shots" of the room without a flash.

Upon reviewing these the following day, the image below was visible on one of the shots. Reference shots of the same area before and after that shot showed nothing, and examining video footage of the room shows no toys, pictures, or objects which could have produced this image on the camera.

We believe that "Billy" showed himself long enough to be caught on one camera shot.

We have included the image below in its original non-photographically-enhanced format, and a slightly enhanced version on the right hand side.

Original (unenhanced) picture Digitally-enhanced picture
A picture of Billy ? A picture of Billy (enhanced) ?